Overcoming Bottlenecks While Writing A Developer Health Book

Program director Michelle Bakels encountered challenges while writing her extensive book on developer health. To refine the 80-page draft and speed up content creation, she leveraged bundleIQ's context-aware AI. With bundleIQ's unique long-form handling and stellar customer service, Michelle pushed past roadblocks at critical junctures. Now she is primed to publish the valuable guidance that had been bottled up in her manuscript.

Context-Aware AI Helps Author Overcome Bottlenecks and Accelerate Progress on Developer Health Book

When program director Michelle Bakels set out to write an 80-page book aimed at helping developers achieve better work/life balance, she quickly ran into roadblocks. Although an expert on the topic, Michelle faced challenges in ensuring she covered all important points, maintaining an optimistic tone, conducting lengthy peer reviews, and producing marketing content. She needed an AI solution that could comprehensively analyze her full draft and provide holistic feedback.

Michelle turned to bundleIQ's context-aware AI, having used it successfully for years prior. By ingesting her entire draft into bundleIQ, Michelle obtained feedback to refine the content and sentiment of her book. It also enabled her to easily generate blogs, tweets, and other promotional material. With bundleIQ reducing her daily research and creation time by 60%, Michelle progressed faster through key writing stages.

With the help of bundleIQ's AI capabilities and stellar customer support, Michelle overcame writer's block and accelerated her work. She is now closer to publishing her valuable insights on developer health and productivity. Michelle's experience shows how bundleIQ's long-form handling and holistic feedback can empower anyone undertaking ambitious writing projects.

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Michelle Bakels, a program director at G2i, faced challenges in writing her 80-page book aimed at helping developers achieve better work/life balance. She needed an AI solution to help refine her draft content.

The Challenge

Michelle struggled to:

  • Ensure she covered all important points
  • Maintain a positive, solution-oriented tone
  • Conduct time-consuming peer reviews
  • Create derivative content for marketing

She required an AI tool that could comprehensively analyze her full book draft.

The Solution

Michelle utilized bundleIQ's context-aware AI to:

  • Reduce research time from 5 hrs to 3 hrs daily, boosting efficiency 60%
  • Get feedback to refine her draft's sentiment, missed topics, etc.
  • Easily generate marketing content like blogs and tweets

She created 10 bundles and ingested her 80-page draft into bundleIQ.

The Results

With bundleIQ, Michelle overcame writer's block and accelerated her progress. She is closer to publishing her developer health insights.

The Key Advantages

  • bundleIQ can ingest long-form content like Michelle's 80-page book
  • It provides holistic feedback no other AI tool can match
  • The bundleIQ team provides excellent customer service and support

The bundleIQ Impact

bundleIQ's contextual AI provided holistic insights that exceeded other limited tools. By ingesting the full manuscript, bundleIQ accelerated derivative content creation, boosted efficiency and focus, and facilitated progress for the author. With bundleIQ's aid, Michelle gained efficiency, focus, and momentum.

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