Uma Maheshwari was pursuing academic research and doctoral studies while working a full-time job. Reading and synthesizing large volumes of literature was time-consuming. AI research assistant bundleIQ enabled Uma to maximize productivity and accelerate her research progress.
The Challenge
As a working professional pursuing doctoral research on workplace equity, Uma needed to:
- Review numerous academic papers on relevant topics
- Read papers thoroughly to determine relevance
- Analyze and synthesize large amounts of literature
- Balance studies with full-time work and family commitments
Without support, completing comprehensive research while juggling other responsibilities proved extremely difficult.
The Solution
Uma deployed bundleIQ to:
- Upload papers to create a searchable research library
- Get summaries of papers tailored to length
- Rapidly identify key ideas and relevant sections
- Benchmark understanding against AI summaries
- Organize and cite sources easily
The Results
With bundleIQ, Uma achieved:
- 80% reduction in daily research time (from 6 to 3 hours)
- 300% more papers consumed per day (from 2 to 6)
- Accelerated research progress and productivity
- Improved ability to balance work, life, and doctoral studies
- Faster pathway to completing her doctoral degree
The Key Advantages
Compared to manual research, bundleIQ:
- Summarized papers comprehensively without losing key details
- Helped determine paper relevance quickly
- Enabled easy access to and citation of sources
- Provided an unexpected boost to Uma's reading skills
- Delivered outstanding customer service experience