October 3, 2023

How bundleIQ transformed workflows at Future Commerce

Nicholas Mohnacky

bundleIQ’s ability to find connections across enterprise data makes it useful in many different industries and roles. It does exactly what AI promises: do what humans can do, except faster and more efficiently. It can go through vast amounts of data in many different formats and get you insights that even humans may have missed. 

This is exactly what leading media company Future Commerce was looking for when it found bundleIQ. Let’s dive into exactly how Future Commerce has leveraged bundleIQ to accelerate their workflows and enhance their productivity. 

Future Commerce offers insights about trends in DTC industries 

Future Commerce offers retail leaders high-level insights into the movements in the retail sector. They serve more than 50,000 subscribers including retail leaders in companies like Porsche, Apple, Disney, Target, Walmart, and many others. Future Commerce has six podcasts, three newsletters, and an active blog where they offer insights into how customers shop and what affects their shopping decisions, the latest marketing trends and cultures, as well as trending marketing campaigns. 

Future Commerce works with a panel of advisors from “companies who are creating culture” according to Phillip Jackson, one of the co-founders. They collect information from these advisors, from Apple, Target, Walmart, and others, and present it in a way that their readers can take action. 

According to Phillip, the $40 he spent on BundleIQ last month offered some of FutureCommerce’s “highest return on investment of any software tool.”

What did Future Commerce want to improve?

As a media company, Future Commerce spends a lot of time and resources on research and writing. They have to bring together information from various sources, analyze it, uncover trends, and present it within the right context. 

For instance, there were around 360 trend reports published by consulting firms and businesses in mobility, banking, healthcare, and others between October 2022 and January 2023. Future Commerce wanted to understand them, validate its own research, and connect the dots within these reports. They wanted to see what they predicted was playing out, and at the same time, come up with new predictions and trends for the future. 

The Future Commerce team wanted to understand and synthesize all of the reports and then relate them back to the content that we were already pursuing. They had to connect these trends with what they were publishing. They also had to present any trends that supported or opposed the content they were producing. 

If the team were to go through the reports manually, they would struggle – and they may not be able to keep up with them since new ones were coming in daily. 

That’s when the team started using bundleIQ

Future Commerce started uploading their entire content library — the reports they’ve produced, transcripts of their podcasts, and content from other sources — into bundleIQ. The idea was to use bundleIQ to connect the dots between different pieces of information. They wanted to find insights that could offer more value to their subscribers with fewer resources and in a shorter time. 

bundleIQ started delivering surprising results from day one

The team was able to go through large troves of information at a very rapid pace and come up with exciting insights. According to Phillip, ALANI was able to find insights that he himself may have missed. 

bundleIQ was also able to make operations at Future Commerce more efficient and faster. 

For instance, Phillip was doing a recap episode of one of his podcasts. He wanted to show the main themes in the episode and wanted a couple of questions for it. He opened up ALANI, shared the podcast transcript, and simply asked for the three questions that would provide a good recap of the episode. And ALANI was able to easily answer that question. 

Another helpful use case for Future Commerce was using bundleIQ to prepare for interviews with authors. By uploading the digital book file to bundleIQ, Phillip was able to easily prepare a 20-question interview guide. During the interview, Phillip used ALANI to ensure that his questions stayed on track.

The bundleIQ impact 

bundleIQ helped the Future Commerce team to do more in less time. It helped them quickly find what they needed in a short time. “bundleIQ has given me a direct line to becoming more productive,” says Phillip. Philip has personally uploaded content worth more than 500 pages into more than 10 bundles, while using the solution.

Philip says that he was able to reduce the time he spent on research from 3 hours to 2 when he started using bundleIQ. And he was able to consume more content. Earlier, he was able to consume content worth one paper in three hours. Now he is able to consume up to 7 papers worth of content in these 2 hours. That’s a 950% increase in number of papers consumed per hour.

Another aspect that the team appreciated is that, unlike most other tools, bundleIQ assured the Future Commerce team that they were getting the answers within the correct context. When they uploaded a book or a report and asked questions, the team felt comfortable that the answers were from that book and not from anywhere else. 

According to Phillip, the $40 he spent on BundleIQ last month offered some of FutureCommerce’s “highest return on investment of any software tool.”

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Nicholas Mohnacky
Tech Entrepreneur & Surfer
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